If these "magnetized" protons, neutrons, or electron can be cleverly brought into "resonance", the result is "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" if the nuclei composed of protons and neutrons are brought ...
Rudowicz, C. and Sung, H.W.F. 2001. Can the electron magnetic resonance (EMR) techniques measure the crystal (ligand) field parameters?. Physica B: Condensed Matter ...
The new departmental EMX-Plus EPR spectrometer from the Bruker Biospin Corporation is equipped with a cryogen free VT system that allows the samples to be cooled down to temperatures as low as 4.5 K.
The electron shell of atoms acts as an "electromagnetic ... they also help us gain insight into certain applications of ...
The rational development of polymeric structures requires a deep understanding at both molecular and macroscopic scales. Several methods are used to analyze the structure of polymers, such as ...
This behaviour is due to the Zeeman effect, which splits the molecule’s ground state into spin-up and spin-down states with an energy difference that depends on the strength of the magnetic field.
Using techniques similar to those employed in magnetic resonance imaging, he was able to demonstrate coherent control of a ...
A common food dye turned mice see-through, a "stunning" finding that could revolutionize imaging techniques in medicine.