Imagine you are watching a ballet performance with a friend who is a professional ballerina, suggests Dr. Lorna Quandt, ...
Read these profiles to learn about their innovative research and years of service to Gallaudet. Pamela Collins, ’07, G-’11, & ...
In addition to Dr. Joseph C. Hill of the Center for Black Deaf Studies and Dr. Carla García-Fernández of Nuestra Casa, ...
This course explores the major developments in European social, political, and economic history in the 19th century. Topics include liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, revolutions, ...
Special Topics in the discipline, designed primarily for sophomores. Students may enroll in 295 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.
Religious, spiritual, and non-religious diversity is a fact, but cooperation between people of different orientations to the idea of religion requires work to achieve. This class challenges you to ...
This course provides students with the essential conceptual knowledge and hands-on experience in designing and creating applications for mobile devices. It covers the best practices for solving the ...
This course teaches logical and physical characteristics of data and their organization and retrieval in information processing. Topics include database theory and architecture, data modeling, ...
Activities offered include team sports and individual sports. Not more than six hours of credit in physical education activities may be counted toward the requirements for a bachelor’s degree.
This course provides synthesis of professional, legal, and ethical practices related to the provision of meaningful learning experiences for deaf and hard of hearing learners in array of educational ...