6. M. Azedire Beschaouch (Tunisie) a été élu Président du Comité par acclamation. Nrne Christina S. Cameron (Canada) a été élue Rapporteur et "es membres du Comité ci-après ont été élus ...
[Uniquement en anglais] The Chairperson drew the attention of the Committee to the two main documents of relevance to their deliberations. WHC-99/CONF.205/5 entitled "Report on the state of ...
Le Centre du patrimoine mondial occupe une position de tout premier plan dans les efforts fournis par la communauté internationale en matière de protection et de préservation.
Le Centre du patrimoine mondial occupe une position de tout premier plan dans les efforts fournis par la communauté internationale en matière de protection et de préservation.
Outstanding Universal Value, or ‘OUV’ is described in Paragraph 49 of the Operational Guidelines as: ‘cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries ...
These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings, ...
The Mijikenda Kaya Forests consist of 10 separate forest sites spread over some 200 km along the coast containing the remains of numerous fortified villages, known as kayas, of the Mijikenda people.
Between 1696 and 1760, six ensembles of reducciones (settlements of Christianized Indians) inspired by the ‘ideal cities’ of the 16th-century philosophers were founded by the Jesuits in a style that ...
For the one-year anniversary of the IUCN World Parks Congress, UNESCO has published the proceedings of this Congress to highlight the recommendations of the global conservation community on World ...
Situated near the southern margin of the Red River Delta, the Trang An Landscape Complex is a spectacular landscape of limestone karst peaks permeated with valleys, many of them partly submerged and ...
Himeji-jo is the finest surviving example of early 17th-century Japanese castle architecture, comprising 83 buildings with highly developed systems of defence and ingenious protection devices dating ...
Sulaiman-Too Sacred Mountain Kyrgyzstan dominates the Fergana Valley and forms the backdrop to the city of Osh, at the crossroads of important routes on the Central Asian Silk Roads. For more than one ...