Of course, Faber and Panton voted yes and here's what they said during the debate.
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs "On Monday morning after his detention on Friday he had fallen ill within the cell. I ...
And going back to house business now - the leader of the opposition spoke on the adjournment about the 6.9 million dollars ...
Any seasoned commuter will tell you that it's just one more symptom of disrepair in a very broken transport system. Today the ...
Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition "Those colleagues that stood up, we have to be absolutely clear, I did not want to get ...
A man was chopped to death in San Ignacio last night - but police are not calling it a murder - they say the killer may have ...
Aaron Flowers, Cop who Beat him got 5 months in Jail "Of course I am satisfy, this is showing you even if you are the ...
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs "I think it's very concerning for the country, The number of instances of domestic ...
And today the UDP issued a press release calling for a comprehensive investigation. The party leader told us more today: ...
PC Nunez says he went into the bedroom and secured his Police issued 9mm Ruger brand firearm under some clothes on a shelf in ...
It was an explosive adjournment in the House of Representatives Meeting today, but it wasn't between the government and the opposition. In fact, it was between two members of the opposition - at least ...
Belizean Construction worker of Camalote village, 21 year old Allen Karson Coye was charged with the crime of Manslaughter ...