Current vaccines against mpox were designed to fight an older, rarer cousin of the virus, smallpox.Now, new researc ...
An overgrowth of gut microorganisms that produce methane could be a cause of severe constipation in many people, a ne ...
A wearable heart monitor raises the detection rate of the dangerous irregular heartbeat known as atrial fibrillatio ...
In news that should reassure folks glued to their cellphones all day, a new international review finds no link betw ...
Your cellphone might be harming your heart, a new study warns.People who regularly use a cellphone have a higher ri ...
A sweat-powered finger wrap could make monitoring a person’s health as easy as wearing a Band-Aid, researchers repo ...
Weather patterns in California that have been exacerbated by climate change could be fueling more cases of a danger ...
People who can cope with challenges as they grow older are more likely to live longer, a new study shows.Seniors wi ...
An experimental three-in-one blood pressure pill works better than layering on meds one at a time, a new clinical t ...
A new brain imaging study has concluded that autism likely isn’t caused by faulty connections to the amygdala.A pre ...
Folks taking weight-loss drugs like Wegovy or Zepbound might think they’ve found a shortcut to better health.But they ...
Brain tumors in young children are rare, but those who survive them can lag in school for years afterwards, new resea ...