Buddhists across the region also say that someone cannot be truly Buddhist if they do not respect deities or spirits.
In East and Southeast Asia, half or more of adults say that people who disagree with their government’s actions should be ...
Large majorities in nearly all 35 nations surveyed say China has a great deal or a fair amount of influence on their ...
Majorities of voters express dissatisfaction with the candidates. And 63% of voters describe both Biden and Trump as ...
About two-thirds of Republican voters (64%) do not have a four-year college degree – modestly higher than the share among all ...
Overall, 43% of voters say they agree with Donald Trump on many or all issues, while somewhat fewer (37%) say they agree with ...
People in high-income countries tend to see China’s economic influence as negative, while those in middle-income countries ...
Among the 10 largest occupations held by young adults without a college degree, large numbers are employed as retail ...
Across 10 Asia-Pacific nations, a median of 72% are concerned about China's territorial disputes with its neighbors, but ...
A median of 40% of adults across 34 other countries surveyed in 2024 say U.S. democracy used to be a good example for other ...
Across 35 high- and middle-income nations, a median of 35% have a favorable view of China, while a median of 52% have a ...
A median of 54% of adults in these nations have a favorable view of the U.S., while a median of 35% see China favorably.