The person in charge of North Dakota’s elections said he hopes a return to an “all hands on deck” policy by the U.S. Postal Service will prevent the postmarking problem that arose during the state primary.
Howe said there really weren’t many issues during the primary election that need to be addressed for the general elections.
North Dakotans will see three names on the presidential ballot this November. Alongside Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver also filed to appear on the state ballot by the Tuesday afternoon deadline.
North Dakota lawmakers on Friday struggled to estimate the full financial impact of legalizing recreational marijuana, if voters pass a ballot measure on the issue in November
Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are readying for a pivotal new stretch of the 2024 campaign, with the two focusing on key battleground states ahead of their debate next week.
The leading group in favor of keeping Alaska's system of open primaries and ranked choice voting raised over $4.5 million in August from Outside donors, which dwarfs all the donations received by a group seeking to repeal the state's current voting system.
Senators, of course, have six-year terms, with one third of the hundred in the chamber up every two years. The group on the chopping block in the sixth year is the one that got elected when the two-term President first swept in--and that usually means a whole lot of the President's colleagues,