Relatives of those killed in two 737 Max crashes say Boeing's plea deal doesn't do enough to reset the company's safety ...
"Corporate formalities" have prevented the Department of Justice from filing its Boeing plea deal, but some believe the ...
The U.S. Department of Justice reaches a plea agreement with Boeing related to the 737 MAX crashes; safety concerns raised by ...
The U.S. Justice Department said on Thursday the government has made "substantial progress" toward reaching a final plea ...
The Justice Department said on Thursday that it has made “substantial progress” in finalizing an agreement with Boeing to ...
A U.S. judge on Monday set a fast schedule to consider the objections of relatives of those killed in two fatal 737 MAX ...
Relatives of the 737 MAX crashes victims will have one week to file their objections, according to a Texas judge.
Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a felony fraud charge in a new deal with the Justice Department, which hopes to file the ...
A U.S. judge on Monday set a fast schedule to consider the objections of relatives of those killed in two fatal 737 MAX ...
Despite the uprecented scrutiny of its production processes, leadership uncertainty and a recent guilty plea to fraud charges ...
The U.S. Justice Department will charge ... the crash victims’ families, called the offer the department plans to make to Boeing a “sweetheart plea deal.” “The deal will not acknowledge ...
While the parties have made “substantial progress” towards finishing the deal, prosecutors said ... over the next three years ...