The report found that the dominant location for housing purchases by foreign residents is Jerusalem with 55% of purchases in ...
The neighborhood and the nearby road, Eshkol Boulevard, are named after Levi Eshkol, Israel’s third prime minister. Its construction was part of the plan to establish a continuous Hebrew ...
Israel’s annexation of the occupied West Bank is not a future prospect; it is a fact of life. Israelis and Palestinians live ...
Internationally, much of the blame for Israel’s current policies is laid at the feet of far-right elements in Israel’s ...
challenging the national and party leadership of Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. The Mapai list, as expected, was headed by Premier Eshkol, Knesset Speaker Kadish Luz, Foreign Minister Golda Meir ...
Netanyahu may be the perfect Israeli leader for destroying Hamas and ensuring long-term safety on Israel's borders.
Israel went to war against Hamas and is now in possession of all of Gaza, though there remain pockets of resistance. By ...
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Israel Ambassador Avraham Harman, Israel Finance Minister Levi Eshkol and Beba Idelson, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, will be among the speakers ...