The Air Force's Collaborative Combat Aircraft has been championed by Pentagon personnel and some lawmakers for its speed-to ramp acquisition model to fill capability gaps and ability to bring an ...
The Navy is working on a new acquisition model for autonomous and unmanned technologies that will provide common, government-owned standards for these systems, allowing more vendors to compete for ...
The areas of unmanned aerial systems, counter UAS and electronic warfare are slated to undergo budgetary line item consolidation when the fiscal year 2026 budget is rolled out next spring, Army ...
An August 2024 request for continuing resolution "anomalies" states that "language is needed" to appropriate $1.95 billion to the Navy's shipbuilding account for "expenses necessary for procurement of ...
The Marine Corps will send a developing autonomous vessel, intended to covertly resupply stand-in forces with weapons and supplies, to the Japan-based 3rd Marine Expeditionary Unit for field testing ...
The White House is asking Congress to avert a government shutdown next month by passing a stopgap continuing resolution that would run through mid-December and include nearly $2 billion to procure two ...
The Army has increased the ceiling of an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract for the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System by $3.4 billion, according to manufacturer Lockheed Martin. An ...
EDINBURGH, IN -- The Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve may not appear to reflect the first word in its acronym to Senate appropriators who have criticized RDER for failing to transition more ...
The Aug. 29, 2024 Defense Department inspector general's report "found that the Air Force did not consistently hold contractors accountable in a timely fashion for providing defective spare parts, nor ...
In an Aug. 28, 2024 request for information, the Army seeks "to identify and preliminarily review the maturity of potentially offered self-propelled howitzer systems." ...
The Aug. 29, 2024 Defense Department inspector general's report "reviewed the system of quality control for Army Audit Agency Special Access Program (SAP) projects in effect for the 3‑year period that ...
RTX, formerly known as Raytheon Technologies, has agreed to pay a $200 million civil penalty for allegedly exporting U.S. defense technology and intellectual property to foreign countries, including ...