CCHR condemns $12 billion child and adolescent behavioral market for forcing children into psychiatric institutions, leaving ...
New York Times exposé on unethical practices in Acadia Healthcare psychiatric hospitals prompts push for the removal of involuntary commitment accreditation from abusive facilities and CCHR urges vict ...
Madness is currently undergoing a redesign, with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, often called the ‘Psychiatrist’s Bible’ being updated. Basically, a big group of grey-haired ...
Mental health industry watchdog, CCHR, calls for increased legal action to protect vulnerable youth from abuses in ...
CCHR International, which was among the groups that first helped get electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) banned on minors in California nearly 50 years ago, hails the current decline in psychiatric use of ...
As if mental health patients are not already taking enough pharmaceuticals, a group of scientists from the U.K. recently published a study chastising the mental health profession for allegedly ...
The financial relationships raise questions about the influence of drug companies on prescribing patterns or research results. The practice “puts patients and tax dollars at risk,” said Lee Spiller, ...
The U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois filed a federal fraud lawsuit today against a Chicago psychiatrist profiled by ProPublica and the Chicago Tribune in 2009 for his alleged ...
In an effort to summarize attempts by law enforcement to identify the reason(s) behind James Holmes killing 12 innocent people and injuring 58 others in an Aurora, Colo., movie theatre, one writer ...