By itself the alliance is over 100 seats short of the 289 needed to govern with a stable majority, and is highly unlikely to be able to scrape together the numbers needed to secure one. Besides which ...
Mr Biden reportedly listens only to his family and a small circle of longtime advisers. These confidantes should ask themselves which is the more noble service: helping the president navigate a ...
Jane Green, a professor of politics at Oxford University and president of the British Polling Council, says it is “too soon to know why” the pollsters were off target. Even so, theories abound.
The latest news in US politics, with coverage of Joe Biden and the Democrats, Donald Trump and the Republicans plus daily updates about the 2024 US election.
For President Emmanuel Macron, who called this election against the advice of his close allies, the result will come as ...
AN EMAIL URGING you to download the “forum-networking app” to start “making new connections” ahead of next week’s “knowledge-sharing experience” reminds you of something you had ...
ARMSMAKING IS NOT like other businesses. It is impervious to macroeconomics and sheltered from fickle consumer tastes. Its ...
W ORKERS AT POULTRY and fur farms in Finland will, in the coming days, receive vaccines against bird flu. Fourteen other EU ...
No wonder that, at a victory rally at the Tate Modern gallery in central London in the early hours of July 5th, the normally ...
B ritain is, in general, ruled by the Conservative Party for a simple reason: small-“c” conservative voters unite behind one ...
Values-based realism is a good starting-point if the West wants to appeal more to the South. But this needs to be combined ...
This has given a boost to nuclear advocates and increased the demand for uranium, the mineral used for nuclear fuel. Global ...