From the deprivation of rights to imprisonment, heavy fines, harassment, unemployment, disruption of religious services, ...
A Michigan psychiatric hospital loses government funding over abuse allegations that include an unwarranted death and ...
A study by the Alcohol Research Group shows 160 million collateral damage victims of substance abuse, including traffic ...
a Scientologie est-elle, oui ou non, une religion ? Cette question semble soulever une controverse d’autant plus surprenante que l’on a affaire, semble-t-il, à un conflit d’évidences. Mais il faut ...
University of Rhode Island’s Global RIghts Project ranked 195 countries; 62 percent failed outright, and only 20 percent ...
Twenty billion in annual fraud originates in the mental health industry. In the latest embarrassment, three Connecticut ...
Couple trafficked Thai women to Scotland, burdened them with huge debt and forced them into prostitution to “pay it back.” The perpetrators face years in prison.
Sean Burke, director of the Criminon Community Education Center in West Covina said, “In their graduation speeches, one for one they tell their fellow students, ‘I didn’t particularly want to do this ...