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Despite criticisms by Palestinian groups, the International Olympic Committee is unlikely to alter Israel's competition ...
YIVO said the diary provides “intimate insights into daily life, cultural resistance, and moral choices faced by those in the ...
On May 18, about 1,500 people gathered in Daan Forest Park in Taiwan to show their support for Israel, peace, democracy, and ...
The world in general has changed since the Black Sabbath of October 7; the Jewish world in particular was forever altered.
Over 40 students, on two separate missions to Israel representing over 30 top North America institutions – such as UCLA, ...
The POZA chain specializing in clothing and footwear for the whole family is celebrating 30 years and along the way is ...
Natale Portman's 'Lady in the Lake' focuses on painting equally rich portraits of Black and Jewish Baltimore of the mid-1960s ...
Though women have been historically forbidden or discouraged from learning the Talmud, Elke Bentley's family has always ...
"We knew there was a synagogue there, but we didn't know if something was preserved underground since nothing was showing ...
This week’s products were reviewed for white cast – visible residue on the skin, as well as application, stickiness, smell, ...