Farmer Eva Hieret from Maria Anzbach makes little souls smile. As on other Greencare farms, she gives girls and boys the ...
How bitter is that? The ladies of SCR Altach were clearly the better team in their away match at Sturm Graz, scoring twice ...
The autumn vacations have been around for four years - they have changed the travel behavior of Upper Austrians, but have ...
They are known from antiquity and from early Christian churches such as Teurnia near Spittal in Carinthia: Magnificent works ...
Manfred Pranger and Reinfried Herbst made guests at the Reduce health resort in Bad Tatzmannsdorf work up a sweat. There was ...
On Monday, the entire Lugner family entitled to inherit will meet at the notary's office, where the will will be opened. For ...
Die Olympia-Dritte Jessica Pilz hat sich mit dem Sieg beim Kletter-Saisonfinale auch noch den Gewinn der ...
Wie bitter ist das? Die Damen des SCR Altach waren beim Auswärtsspiel bei Sturm Graz die klar bessere Mannschaft, kamen durch ...
Während es im Bezirk St. Veit viele auf das Rennbahngelände zum Wiesenmarkt gezogen hatte, schlugen in der Nacht auf Sonntag ...
Mehr als 2000 Menschen nahmen am Samstag in Wien am sogenannten „Marsch fürs Leben“ teil. Laut eigener Aussage wollten sie ...
While many people in the St. Veit district were drawn to the racecourse grounds at the Wiesenmarkt, burglars struck on Sunday ...
The Olympic bronze medalist Jessica Pilz has also secured victory in the overall World Cup ranking by winning the climbing ...