City officials say the radio system that police and firefighters in Juneau use is outdated. It was only designed for an eight ...
Outreach & Development Program Manager, SEARHC–help develop grow-your-own career opportunities for SE AK residents, promote and recruit as well. I bring a diverse experience obtained from life ...
Business owner, Glacier Auto Parts 2012- present; Current President, Alaska Municipal League; Retired Division Chief, Capital City Fire/Rescue 1992-2012; Owner/Operator F/V Seven C’s 1986-1992.
I’m a lifelong Juneauite and was born and raised here, and have devoted my entire life to doing everything I can in the community to make sure that everyone has the best possible quality of life.
Tlingit & Haida employee, Juneau Tlingit & Haida Community Council – Council Member, Goldbelt Ancestral Trust – Trustee, Sealaska Board of Directors – Board Youth Advisor I support both of them.
As a retired school nurse and as someone who has raised a family here in Juneau — my four adult kids are here living in Alaska too, raising their families here. I’m a longtime volunteer for a ...
I have had a diverse career path working in Human Resources, volunteering frequently in my kids’ classrooms, and helping coordinate SAFE grad. In 2013, my husband and I started a successful ...
Currently a delegate for Juneau Tlingit & Haida Community Council. Former board member of the Anchorage School District. Former president of Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 12 in Hoonah, Alaska.
First Lady’s Volunteer Award Recipient. Other volunteer activities: Douglas Advisory Board, Youth Activities Board, Health Fair volunteer, Little League and Youth Soccer coach, Juneau Sports ...
I’ve served on the Seward City Council, Alaska Historical Commission, Anchorage Arts Advisory Committee, AVTEC Institutional Advisory Committee, as well as the Seward Historic Preservation ...
U.S. aircraft escorted the Russian maritime reconnaissance/anti-submarine planes through international airspace Wednesday.
The string of recent deadly slides is changing the way people look at their surroundings and plan for the future in a ...