I have known Joe Martin of Rumford for years. Joe and his girlfriend Trisha run a store in Andover. Their place is well known for great food and great conversation. Quietly and without great ...
Cougars have chance to win in final minutes but can't convert a two-point conversion. Also, Lisbon triumphs over Poland.
Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro, his kleptocrat regime, his secret police, his shell companies and his international ...
Indiana transplant learns about the Washburn family during tour of Livermore estate.
My sister’s fiance, “Logan,” always seemed very flirtatious with me. I told her she needed to control her future husband.
We, the members of Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights, issued a citizens summons signed by 369 Mainers for Rep. Jared Golden to hold a town hall meeting with us as constituents. We wanted to ask him ...
Dan Campbell would be an outstanding state representative, and I encourage voters to support him. He would represent everybody in his district and offer points of view that are under-represented in ...
Rep. Kristen Cloutier is a true champion for the children and families of Lewiston. Her continued advocacy is needed in Augusta. Her accomplishments include introducing and passing legislation to ...
Mark Wood concluded by referencing a quote from the movie “Jaws,” which is fitting given that his letter is full of fear mongering and misinformation. Over the last two years, the Legislature has made ...
As a Democrat, I am enthusiastically supporting Congressman Jared Golden again this year in his quest for reelection. Jared is an independent thinker who bases his decisions on what he feels is in the ...
The residents of Minot, Poland and Mechanic Falls need to come together Tuesday, Sept. 17, and support the recommendations of the Budget Committee and School Board for the third attempt to pass the ...
When seeking to hire, one looks for someone who is competent and knowledgeable. The same holds true when we vote for a state senator. Maine needs proven leaders in the Maine Legislature. In electing ...