One way to get teens to read more might be to add a little romance. Members of a high school romance book club in Portland, Oregon, explain why they love love stories.
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A list of the top LGBTQ romance novels, including books by Alexis Hall, Rebecca Fraimow and Kit Rocha.
Starring Sasha Pieterse and Mitchell Slaggert, Lifetime’s A Carpenter Christmas Romance will premiere Saturday, Dec. 21 at 8/7c, In A Carpenter Christmas Romance, when novelist Andrea hints her ...
Needing a haven where she can finish her novel, Andrea flees to her a farmhouse in Lifetime's newest Christmas movie. Here's ...
If you walk into any bookstore these days, you’ll likely be greeted with at least one table of brightly illustrated romance ...
Here, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite holiday romance books that capture a snuggly, starry-eyed seasonal feel. Want to ...