The European Union has regretted the postponement of the December 22 General Election in South Sudan and challenged the ...
Eight Western diplomatic missions, including the United States, expressed their “regret and disappointment” on Wednesday over ...
The Revitalized Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) on Wednesday endorsed the extension of the transitional ...
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) on ...
The Greater Equatoria Land Alliance has decried the lack of awareness and a policy to regulate the usage of the land in the ...
Police authorities have reported the arrest of a woman who killed her baby in the Bentiu IDP camp of Unity State last Friday.
وقالت أمام البرلمان: “لقد كان صندوق التقاعد في جنوب السودان يتلقى مساهمات الموظفين من وزارة المالية والتخطيط منذ إنشائه، ومع ...
أثار قرار البنك المركزي في جنوب السودان، بتحديد سقف سحب العملة بعشرة ملايين جنيه للأفراد والكيانات من البنوك، ردود فعل ...
قال المجتمع المدني وبعض سكان ولاية شرق الاستوائية، إنهم يرفضون قرار تأجيل الانتخابات العامة في ديسمبر إلى عام 2026 تحت ...
South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa on Wednesday welcomed the decision made by the Government of South Sudan extending ...
“In July 2024, health authorities in Abyei declared an outbreak of hepatitis E, since then, 41 cases have been reported, ...
Machar’s political history is filled with contradictions and controversial decisions, raising doubts about his ability to ...