Archbishop Justin Welby, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem and other senior clergy took part in the coronation of King Charles III At the opening service to the Lambeth Conference, a primatial ...
A Saudi princess will be the guest speaker at a dinner organised by the Anglican cathedral in Bahrain next month, to increase awareness of human trafficking.
The Bishop of Nzara has been elected Bishop of Yambio and Archbishop of Western Equatoria in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. A group of South Sudanese expatriates in the US have met to discuss ...
The theme for the Lambeth Conference in 2020 is to be “God’s Church for God’s World: walking, listening and witnessing together”.
John Davies, the Archbishop of Wales urges us to give thanks for those who reach out in love to a suffering world in his Easter message. In his Christmas message, the Most Revd John Davies, Primate ...
Consecutive bomb blasts at a Roman Catholic cathedral in the Philippines yesterday (Sunday) resulted in the loss of 20 lives. Anglican provinces across East Asia are staging a cross-provincial youth ...
The Bishop of Egypt, Mouneer Anis, has appointed a new bishop and an archdeacon to serve the diocese’s Horn of Africa episcopal area.
The Bishop of Colombo, Dhiloraj Canagasabey, urges Sri Lankans to unite and appreciate religious and ethnic diversity in the country. Bishops of the Anglican Church of Ceylon have asked clergy to ...
Theological educators from Anglican churches across Central and South America gather for a ground-breaking consultation on the migration crisis. The Episcopal Diocese of Costa Rica hosted a workshop ...
An Anglican delegation of liturgists and theologians took part in a high level ecumenical seminar in Assisi exploring the Feast of Creation. The International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox ...
Eileen Carey, wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury, has interviewed 21 spouses of Anglican bishops from all over the world about what it is like to be married to a bishop. These interviews are ...
A new Anglican congregation in Rabat has held its first confirmation service in what is believed to be the first such service in the Moroccan capital.