Solveig E. S. Hausken-Sutter, Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science is defending her thesis with the title Interdisciplinary research and youth sport injury: Developing methodological ...
The viola is the only instrument that has a name day, and the best way to celebrate is to give a concert! Under the direction of teacher Johanna Persson, students from the classical music programmes ...
Human rights – for long a central concern of EU law – are typically invoked to condemn state acts or to critique their omissions. In contrast, this conference examines, from a theoretical perspective ...
PhD student Cajsa Zerhouni presents the first part of her degree project which is entitled "L'ombre de la mère chez Assia Djebar - les thèmes du prélinguistique et du maternal archaïque conçús à ...
Thesis for Medicine Doctorate at Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Clinical Sciences, in the research area of Surgery ...
Looking to make a change? The University of Gothenburg will travel to Mexico to meet with Mexican students in November. We will attend the EuroPosgrados fair in CDMX and León. A chance to talk with ...
Mariam Abbas har precis börjat läsa första terminen på Handelshögskolans juristprogram. Redan innan hon började studera, tog hon initiativet att nätverka på LinkedIn och söka kontakter inom sin ...
Welcome to this seminar entitled "Klassrumskultur och klassrumsspråk – nycklar till mer målspråksanvändning"!
Läkarstudenterna har befunnit sig på landsbygden i Rwanda, inte i huvudstaden Kigali där utbrottet av den dödliga virussjukdomen har sin kärna. Att studenterna kallats hem är en säkerhetsåtgärd, ...
Magnus Lindh's group studies hepatitis B and hepatitis D with a focus on pathogenesis and viral mechanisms. Hepatitis B is a major global health problem despite access to an effective vaccine. Chronic ...
Over the past 130,000 years, humans have exterminated hundreds of bird species. This means that the specific tasks of different birds in the wild are not being performed, leading to disruptions in ...
Whether you are just getting started or already well on the way with your PhD studies, we believe that this event will be both relevant and inspiring. We often think perfectionism pushes us to excel, ...