The efficacy of rucaparib plus nivolumab was compared with rucaparib monotherapy as maintenance treatment for ovarian cancer.
Patients with HER2-positive advanced or metastatic breast cancer received trastuzumab deruxtecan every 3 weeks.
Intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma remains a challenge to treat. The new findings may lead to a new treatment ...
Homeostasis of fluid balance is an important prerequisite for healthy aging. The high prevalence of disturbances of fluid balance among older adult patients has triggered clinical research on age ...
In addition to the physical examination, it is recommended that the breastfeeding mother have an examination by a lactation specialist or a practitioner knowledgeable about breastfeeding to ...
Antitachycardia pacing (ATP) refers to the use of pacing stimulation techniques for termination of tachyarrhythmias. Such techniques can be automatically applied using implantable cardioverter ...
J Midwifery Womens Health. 2009;5(4):321-326. Immediate cord clamping is often included as part of active management of the third stage of labor. Although it is now well known that active ...
Simply defined, a cystocele is a protrusion of the bladder into the vagina due to defects in pelvic support (Fig. 1). The radiographic definition of a cystocele is descent of the bladder base ...
A 20-year-old female presented with a history of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis since childhood. She started treatment with etanercept (Enbrel ®) 1 month previously. One day after a ...
It is important to identify infants of affected women as high-risk infants. Scrutinize the maternal history and, when possible, determine the specific EDS type of the mother or affected family ...
Mutism in older adults is not uncommon. It is often confused with severe depression, locked-in syndrome, and persistent vegetative state, but it is important to distinguish among them as the ...
K. Suresh Babu, MD, DNB; and Sundeep S. Salvi, MD, DNB, PhD, From the Department of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Southampton, Southampton ...