Research shows that ambient darkness reduces women's willingness to engage with physically strong men, associating strength ...
During the 2020 U.S. election, online hate networks became more interconnected and reached billions in mainstream communities ...
A recent study found 92% of TikTok’s #adhdtest videos were misleading, attracting nearly all user engagement, while accurate ...
Women with histories of sexual trauma report more frequent Duty Sex, lower sexual satisfaction, and higher sexual pain. These ...
Recent research found that mindfulness meditation creates a unique state of relaxed alertness, marked by specific brainwave ...
A study found no significant difference in relationship quality between couples who met online or in person, suggesting that ...
A study published in Current Psychology analyzed suicidal expressions among incel forum users who posted on r/SuicideWatch, ...
Prenatal exposure to the synthetic cannabinoid WIN caused sex-specific respiratory control changes, fragmented sleep, and ...
Breakdancers can develop a cone-shaped scalp mass, "headspin hole," from repetitive head-spinning, caused by connective ...
A study found that taking 200 mg of decaffeinated whole coffee cherry extract improves memory, focus, and self-control within ...
A recent study found that masculine honor predicts justification of Mafia-aligned behaviors, strengthened by territorial ...
Lonely individuals show atypical neural and linguistic responses to celebrities, diverging from group norms. Their unique ...