La débâcle de Macron déçoit les espoirs de victoire des néofascistes et témoigne de sentiments de gauche et antifascistes ...
The result, a debacle for Macron bucking media expectations of an RN victory, testifies to the left-wing and anti-fascist ...
Keir Starmer doit sa victoire «écrasante» à la haine des conservateurs, au système uninominal majoritaire à un tour ...
La décision prise à l’automne dernier par Moscou de doubler les dépenses pour l’armée et la sécurité dans le budget national ...
C'est la troisième élection présidentielle consécutive au cours de laquelle Sanders encourage ses partisans, de moins en ...
This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago ...
Four months before the elections, there are growing calls within the political establishment for Biden to step down as the ...
None of the competing factions of Iran’s bourgeois-clerical regime has any progressive answer to the mounting imperialist ...
The Lancet, the prestigious peer-reviewed British medical journal, has warned that the true death toll in the Gaza genocide ...
China propaganda by the media and political establishment in line with NZ’s role in US-led preparations for war.
Economic modelling estimates that the cut to international student numbers will cause nearly 22,000 direct and indirect job ...
The following statement in defense of imprisoned Ukrainian Trotskyist Bogdan Syrotiuk was submitted to the World Socialist ...